Las Escuelas de Doctorado de la UGR en colaboración con las Universidades del grupo Coimbra ofrece la oportunidad a sus estudiantes de doctorado de participar en el concurso 3-minute Thesis
The University of Granada is offering their PhD students the chance to take part in the Three-minute thesis international competition in collaboration with University members of the Coimbra Group. For more information about the history and procedures for the competition see LINK .
The competition is broken down into stages; first, at the local Doctoral School level; second at the University level, and third, at the level of the International-Coimbra Group. The final will include PhD students from different European countries belonging to the Coimbra group. The final will take place virtually via live video link up.
Participation will raise your research profile, develop your skills in public engagement and communication and help you network with researchers from around the world. The Doctoral Schools will help you through the process.