Conferencias 2016

El nuevo mapa geológico de España y Portugal 1:1.000.000: historia, contenidos y desarrollo


Dinámica de la red de drenaje en sistemas orogénicos-cuencas


Five-element vein systems and metal melt inclusions from the silver veins at Cobalt Ontario


Scientific Publishing: How to Survive?

Prof. Igor Vlahović, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Parte I: martes 8 de noviembre, 11–13:30 h. Parte II: miércoles 9 de noviembre, 11–13:30 h. En ambos casos en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias

Scientific publishing is focused on distribution of new results, enabling their visibility to wider scientific community, but also helping researchers to obtain their academic promotion and fundings of future projects. Constant pressure is well-described by a common expression 'publish or perish', and in order to survive every scientist should learn and master all phases of the process. That is today necessary because even the most original scientific results can be seriously and irreversibly neglected if not presented properly.

We will go through the entire process of scientific publication from different perspectives, not only from the author's corner but also from the editor's and reviewer's side, to see common mistakes more clearly and discuss how to avoid them. The most important questions addressed will include: Why, where and how to publish your scientific results? What is responsible conduct of research and how to avoid common mistakes, including plagiarism and autoplagiarism? How to cooperate and publish with your advisor? What questions to address while preparing a concept of your paper? What is the structure of the scientific paper and how to present your data? How to fight procrastination and finally finish the paper? How and when to choose a journal and how to prepare the final version of your manuscript for submission? How to succesfully communicate with editors and reviewers? What to do after your paper is published and what to do if it is finally rejected?