Conferencias 2017

Conferencia Dr. Christopher Woodworth-Lynas

TITULO: A Cold Ocean on Mars

Lugar: Facultad de Ciencias E-1 (Estratigrafía)

Fecha: 22 de septiembre de 2017 a las 12:00


  • Geological timescale of Mars
  • The martian crustal dichotomy and potential shorelines that surround the northern basin
  • The evidence for:
    1. Glaciers along the dichotomy boundary
    2. Floating ice
    3. Tsunamis


Transverse Faults in Alberta and theis importance for Geothermal Energy development


The Roles of Paleogeography and Lithology in Triggering Ancient Climate Change


Algerian basin and margin: structure and evolution


Unlocking bone and tooth mineralization: Enzymatic processing of the mineralization inhibitors pyrophosphate and osteopontin

Fecha y lugar: martes 24 de enero de 2017 a las 12:00 en el salón de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias

Marc D. McKee, Ph.D.

Full Professor/James McGill Professor

Division of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine

McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Reconciliation of the evolving interplay between organic moieties and inorganic crystals lies at the heart of modern biomineralization inquiry. Recent biomineralization research in vertebrates has identified, characterized and described functions for key noncollagenous extracellular matrix proteins regulating crystal growth in the skeleton and dentition by binding to mineral. Gene mutations affecting mineral-regulating proteins typically lead to bone and tooth nanocrystallites defective in number, size, shape and/or orientation, and can even potentially lead to changes in mineral type, such that these otherwise hard tissues become diseased, soft and/or brittle. Several bone and tooth diseases will be discussed in terms of altered molecular determinants of mineralization, with also some discussion of these factors in soft tissues undergoing pathologic calcification (like blood vessels).

The Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC)

Fecha y Lugar: viernes 24 de Febrero a las 12:30 h en el salón de actos del Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (UGR-CSIC)

Introduction into one of the most spectacular and still controversial marine geological events of the las 50-years

Prof. Dr. Gert de Lange ( Utrech University, Faculty of Geosciences )

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