Formation Activities

Training Plan and Commitment on Training Activities


  • Initial doctoral workshops for students of the Doctoral Program in Educational Sciences (first year, held over two days, one for each access phase).
  • Active participation in Research Seminars and Monitoring of their research line throughout their time in the program.
  • Doctoral workshops (last week of June or first of July). These involve mandatory presentations and public defenses of research progress. These are mandatory throughout the entire doctorate.
  • Complete a minimum of optional training, described below for both the first year and subsequent years.
  • During the First Year:
  • Receive at least 10 hours of in-person training with positive evaluation in:

1) Methodological courses from the program or offered by the EIP/Doctoral School.

2) Series of lectures or research seminars scheduled by the program or recognized by the CAD.

3) Attendance and presentations at workshops and conferences.

  • During the Second Year:
  • This second year focuses primarily on:
  1. Research stays at national or international centers (optional).
  2. Training pathways for publishing an article in an indexed journal.
  3. Training pathways for defending research plans, research progress, and doctoral theses.
  4. Participation as a collaborator in the development of a research project.
  5. Participation, support practices or integration into a research team (at the discretion of the research line).
  6. Participate in the training activities of the program that their tutor recommends due to its special relationship with their doctoral thesis work.
  • Complete a minimum of 10 hours of in-person training from the offerings by the International School or the School of Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences (mandatory, except for those undertaking mobility actions).
  • During the Third Year:
  • Focus on their doctoral thesis
  • Publish an article (see required minimum quality criteria)
  • Assist other doctoral candidates, participating in and coordinating training actions
  • Mobility actions and facilitation of access to training activities
  • Since part-time doctoral candidates or those residing outside Granada or on academic stays may find it especially difficult to carry out these types of activities, they will be announced well in advance to organize schedules and provide time availability for dedication to the activity or mobility.
  • Similarly, actions to concentrate activities are considered to facilitate mobility and maximize benefits during stays at the University of Granada.
  • For doctoral candidates outside Spain or who encounter mobility or access difficulties, “online” procedures (Virtual Room via Adobe Connect) are considered that facilitate their normal training process and academic interaction. This is a video conferencing system to participate online with the research line, tutor, and some training activities (mandatory) such as reception days and doctoral workshops, etc.
  • In cases of other specific support needs, these will be discussed with the tutor, and the program will provide—within its possibilities and those of the UGR—these services (sign language translators, etc.)
  • Observations
  • What is mandatory can be personalized when the CAD deems it reasonable and justified at the proposal of the Research Line.
  • All doctoral candidates must spend a specific time of mandatory residency at the University of Granada. During this residency, interaction processes and mandatory training actions will be intensified (known well in advance and concentrated in time to facilitate mobility processes).

Competencies to Develop and Achieve

By undertaking these training activities, the following competencies are worked on and guaranteed:

Basic Competencies

  • CB11 - Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to that field.
  • CB12 - Ability to conceive, design, or create, implement, and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.
  • CB13 - Ability to contribute to expanding the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
  • CB14 - Ability to perform critical analysis and evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
  • CB15 - Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their areas of knowledge in the modes and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.
  • CB16 - Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic, or cultural advancement within a knowledge-based society.

Personal Skills and Abilities

  • CA01 - Manage oneself in contexts where there is little specific information.
  • CA02 - Find the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem.
  • CA03 - Design, create, develop, and undertake novel and innovative projects in their area of knowledge.
  • CA04 - Work both as a team and autonomously in an international or multidisciplinary context.
  • CA05 - Integrate knowledge, handle complexity, and formulate judgments with limited information


  • CA06 - Critique and intellectually defend proposals and solutions.

Other Competencies

  • CEP1 - Capable of addressing relevant themes that are of social utility, acting in favor of the transformation and improvement of the community, from an option of justice, equity, respect, and dignity, deeply involved in practice.
  • CEP2 - Capable of basing research on reasoned sequences of inferential reasoning, supported and justified by comprehensive coverage of relevant literature and scientifically recognized innovations.
  • CEP3 - Capable of questioning conceptualized aspects, implicit assumptions, and approaches and positions not founded on rational arguments and/or empirical evidence regarding different educational scenarios, exploring different meanings, contexts, and perspectives that can illuminate an educational or professional reality without claiming a privileged role or position.
  • CEP5 - Capable of evaluating alternative explanations for results and the potential impact of systematic bias
  • CEP7 - Act within a deontological code and professional ethics, doing what professionally should be done and for what was relevant in the best possible way (with solid arguments and reasons, not intuitions or routine and reproductive practices) and with an awareness that not all research is pertinent, useful, and desirable.
  • CEP6 - Capable of transferring knowledge and future research derived from the relevant one.
  • CEP4 - Capable of ensuring an adequate study design, its methods, and sufficiently transparent procedures and guarantee an independent, balanced, and objective approach to research.

Evaluation Criteria and Passing of Training Activities

To be considered apt in these training activities and to continue in the program, the doctoral candidate must present an annual portfolio or certification that justifies and accredits the set of activities carried out, as well as their level of achievement.

Must cover all mandatory actions common or specific (outlined in contracts and training plans) established by the research lines, as well as a minimum number of hours dedicated to optional training activities (variable depending on progress in the program).

Actively participate within the seminars of the research line and in the annual doctoral workshops of the program. Within these, they must publicly present and defend their research progress.

As a general evaluation criterion, each tutor and research director must inform and guarantee that with the set of activities carried out by their doctoral candidate, they have reached an adequate level of development of the competencies required by the program to be able to present their thesis for defense.

The CAD will establish the appropriate mechanisms to ensure this requirement and right to training. Even, when deemed appropriate, requiring a public defense of the presented portfolio, the work done, or even the performance of specific tasks that test the competencies under training.

  • Actions for attention to diversity
  • For part-time doctoral candidates, specific deadlines and procedures adapted to their circumstances are contemplated. Consult with Tutor.

Specific Training Activities by Research Lines

In general, all lines will schedule and develop Research Seminars and Monitoring for each of the research lines. They will have an established and public calendar. Participation in at least three is mandatory, as well as in the presentation of plans and theses of the line.

Research Lines and Teams may propose other mandatory activities or specific seminars with research themes taking advantage of the arrival of visiting researchers.

Each line and team will establish the criteria and propose specific training itineraries for the doctoral candidates in training of their line. Contact the tutor and research line leader.

Program of Training Actions

  • Activities are optional, unless otherwise indicated by the line or expressly noted in the proposal.
  • Registration for training activities of the doctoral program: contact by email with the coordinator of the same.
  • The training activities offered by the program may undergo modifications. In such a case, notifications will be made on the website and by email. The activities are updated accordingly.
  • The schedules of the training activities can be consulted in the section of “important notices” in the training action plan 2021.
  • Doctoral programs open their training activities to doctoral candidates from the same doctoral school as long as the offer is of interest and there are available places. These actions are informed by email.
  • In the initial seminar and during the first tutoring meetings, the tutor will establish a training plan (DAD) that includes the training activities (mandatory and optional) that the doctoral candidate must carry out throughout that academic year. This plan must be approved and supervised by the Research Line and the CAD of the program and be recorded on the monitoring platform.

Training Activities of the International School of Graduate Studies

How to register: Students must send an email to the School ( with “registration for courses” in the subject and indicating the doctoral school to which they belong also in the subject.

General Training Activities

  • Transversal Training Activities

This section considers the possibility of recognizing Transversal Training Activities for doctoral training, organized by the UCUA, the International School of Granada, the School of Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences of the University of Granada, or another doctoral school from any national or foreign university institution that meets the relevant requirements. Similarly, activities of special interest, outside the program, are accommodated in this section. To be considered valid, they must have the approval of the thesis director, justifying their interest for the development of the thesis and the training of the doctoral candidate.

These training activities may be of the following types: Actions for the professional training of doctors; Research methodology course; Science evaluation course; Entrepreneurship course; Project management course; Intellectual and industrial property course; Job search techniques course; Participation in job market sessions; Training courses and deepening in a second language of scientific interest; Participation in “journal clubs”; Linguistic competence courses for scientific communication…

  • Specific Training Activities (program and research lines)

This section includes a flexible set of actions to cover a range of possibilities and training needs to develop and achieve the specific competencies of the program or the research lines. Occasionally, and with prior authorization from the responsible for the tutoring and direction of doctoral work, activities similar to those proposed outside the program can be recognized, provided they are perfectly designed, systematized, and organized by university institutions and research groups.

Except for those specifically marked as mandatory for every researcher in training of the program, the rest will be optional or mandatory at the discretion of the research lines or the specific training contract established between each doctoral candidate with their tutor and the program itself.

As a general criterion, the training activities are primarily proposed to be carried out in the first or second year of the training period. Leaving the third year much freer for the completion of the thesis proper. And so it should be understood when marked as throughout the training process.

Training Supplements

According to the new Doctorate Royal Decree 99/2011 , currently in force in Spanish Universities and therefore at the University of Granada, official master's degrees cease to be part of the training plans of the Doctoral Programs to become entry requirements.

The training supplements necessary for each entry profile will be agreed by consensus between the Academic Committee of the program and the tutor assigned to the student, especially when specific training deficiencies or weaknesses of the new student entering the program are detected. In general, the range of training supplements will vary between 20 and 60 ECTS. Each specific case will be studied, setting a number of ECTS based on the doctoral candidate's basic training, their entry profile, and the selected research line. These credits will preferably be chosen from subjects of the Master's Degrees related to the Doctoral Program.

Therefore, the training supplements are a set of actions or pathways specifically designed to strengthen the methodological training of the candidates for the doctorate degree in the program, for whom the Academic Committee of the Program, having analyzed their file has detected training deficiencies and has been admitted with conditions. This plan of complementary training activities must be considered in the doctoral training plan. In addition, students who have been specified COMPLEMENTARY TRAINING, must accredit their completion throughout the first year of training, as an essential requirement to be able to continue in the program (renewal of enrollment). It is mandatory to take and pass them -WITH OFFICIAL E.C.T.S. CREDITS or authorized by the CAD- during the first academic year of the doctorate. They have up to a year from their first enrollment to pass them and justify it

This plan is made up of training activities such as:

  • Modules and international seminars selected from the master's degrees cited as antecedents or with which the program has a special relationship (see links), as well as with the programs with which it has specific agreements signed in this sense.
  • Courses or modules in research methodology or in theoretical-epistemological foundations in the research line.
  • Courses, seminars, and specific emphases of mandatory participation in training activities specific to the program.
  • Refer to training activities outside the program (subjects of associated master's degrees or from university institutions with a specific agreement in this line of action, courses from the Center for Continuing Education, or specifically designed to cover the complementary training needs of a group of doctoral candidates, etc.) of special

value for this purpose and for the thesis in development.

  • Completion of Master's end-of-study projects or research project reports funded with public funds in which they have participated or directed.
  • Publication in scientific journals (with external blind reviewers) of impact research articles…
  • Proposals and suggestions

As a suggestion, they could enroll to complement the methodological training, from the following courses/modules of any of the associated/related master's degrees:

  • Completion of a Research Master's Thesis
From the master's in Research and Innovation in Curriculum and Training ( see website) November-December
From the master's in Mathematics Didactics ( see website ). Online
From the master's in Psychopedagogical Intervention ( see website )
From the master's in Research, Social Development, and Socioeducational Research( see website )
From the master's in Music Education: A Multidisciplinary Perspective( See website )
  • Research methodology: selective and experimental
  • Qualitative research methodology and qualitative data analysis

Consult with tutor and research line leader to select the complementary training that best fits their needs and line.

Once the training activity is completed, justify academic certification to the EIP and program coordination. Send the Proof through the request tab of the Monitoring Portal, from Identified Access.

Detailed Description of Typical Training Activities (according to Verifica)

At the following link, you can consult the typical training activities of the program according to Verifica. It includes the description of activities with indicators, competencies, hours of dedication, etc.

Each academic year, the CAD will offer a specific proposal of training activities that meets the above requirements. All training activities will be evaluated by the CAD following the scale constructed for this purpose.

Ibero-American Doctorate in Educational Sciences, emphasis on Technology

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Important Notices

Agreements reached in the CAD
Agreements reached in the CIGC

For any inquiries about the Training Activities, contact

Related Degrees

Related degrees with preferred access.

  • They offer courses and seminars as complementary training.